In his February 2022 letter announcing the Jubilee 2025, Pope Francis shared that "we must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision. The forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so urgently desire..."
Jubilee Year 2025 officially kicked off on December 24 with Pope Francis opening the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica. The celebration of jubilee years typically includes pilgrimages, processions, celebrations of Mass and an invitation to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. These liturgical celebrations are opportunities to receive the Lord’s mercy and lead to the performance of works of mercy. The Jubilee Year will offer the faithful opportunities to participate in various jubilee events at the Vatican and right here in Haubstadt. The Jubilee will conclude Jan. 6, 2026.
Pope Francis designated the theme of this Jubilee as Pilgrims of Hope, and we are called to embrace each other and unite in hope for our world. This Jubilee Year is a time for prayer, celebration and reconciliation. Throughout the year, St. James and Sts. Peter & Paul will unite in celebrating with special activities and monthly parishioner challenges aimed at spreading hope within our community.
Parish Plans for Jubilee 2025 January: Jubilee of the World of Communications Jubilee Kickoff Announcement: Weekend Masses on December 28/29 Parishioner Challenge: Invite someone or a family to Mass and spread the good news on social media. February: Jubilee of Armed Forces, Police and Security Personnel and Jubilee of Deacons Parishioner Challenge: create notes of appreciation to service personnel (notecards available in February) February 16, 2025: special blessing for armed forces and service personnel March: Jubilee of the World of Volunteering and Jubilee of the Missionaries of Mercy Parishioner Challenge: join in a card shower for Deacon Bill and Sister Irma Flat Fathers' Spring Break Adventure March 30, 2025: 5th Sunday "Light is Always On" reconciliation opportunity following the 9 a.m. Mass at St. James and 10 a.m. Mass at Sts. Peter & Paul. April: Jubilee of the Sick and Healthcare Workers Parishioner Challenge: write notes of appreciation for healthcare workers (notecards available in April) April 27, 2025: special blessing for healthcare workers and the sick. May: Jubilee of Children Celebration of children: join in recognizing the blessing of children throughout May's many children-centered events, including end of year Masses, graduations and school year celebrations. June: Jubilee of Sport and Jubilee of Bishops and Priests Parishioner Challenge: write notes of appreciation for our clergy (notecards available in June) Summer Snapshot Challenge Begins June 29, 2025: 5th Sunday "Light is Always On" reconciliation opportunity, times to be announced. July: Jubilee of Youth Summer Snapshot Challenge Continues August: Jubilee of Teachers Parishioner Challenge: write a note of appreciation to a teacher (notecards available in August) August 24, 2025: special blessing for public and Catholic school teachers August 31, 2025: 5th Sunday "Light is Always On" reconciliation opportunity, times to be announced. September: Jubilee of Catechists Parishioner Challenge: write notes of appreciation to religious sisters (notecards available in September) September 21, 2025: special blessing for catechists. October: Jubilee of Marian Spirituality and Jubilee of Consecrated Life Pilgrimage to Sisters of Providence of St. Mary-of-the-Woods, details coming soon. November: Jubilee of Choirs Parishioner Challenge: write notes of appreciate to members of our parish music ministry November 30, 2025: 5th Sunday "Light is Always On" reconciliation opportunity, times to be announced. December: Jubilee of Prisoners Parishioner Challenge: participate in a novena for prisoners.