Registration for 2024-2025 Forms are available for classes beginning Sept. 4, 2024
Please read the Parent Letter. and review the Parent Handbook & Electronic Communication Statement, available online or in the back of the churches.
Faith formation is a life-long activity. In Baptizing your child into the Catholic Faith, you accept the responsibility of bringing your child up in the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. Our parishes’ religious education program helps parents meet this commitment by offering religious education for children Kindergarten through High School. Beyond high school we offer continuing education through Scripture Study, OCIA, Welcome, Cursillo, Marriage Enrichment and other short course studies on the Bible and Adult Formation classes.We are all called to be Disciples of Jesus and share His message of Love to the world. We invite you to partner with us in the formation of your children.
Prayerfully consider how you can be a part of the Religious Ed Program either by becoming a Catechist or by volunteering to lead the Rosary, help with office tasks, or traffic duty. |
Laura Goedde, CRE: [email protected]
Jessica Church, Asst. to CRE: [email protected] Laura Schneider, Sacramental Coordinator: [email protected] Parish Office: 812-768-6457 |